Your Health Defenders

Health Blog

Month: March 2017

Rise of Anabolic Steroids as The Performance Landmine

 These days anabolic steroids sale have increased as the rise of health freaks have increased rampantly.  Most of the people consider the pro baseball players, wrestlers, athletes, and other players with perfect body as their role models as they are…

Addiction Rehab Clinics: Some Guidelines You Should Take Note Of

Hard drugs like steroids, ecstasy, and heroine among others are detrimental to healthy living. Drug addicts experience adverse changes, physically, emotionally and otherwise. Drug use and abuse adversely affects the brain’s connections; it enhances the release of neurotransmitters like dopamine…

Anabolic Steroids – a brief overview

Anabolic steroids are steroidal androgens that are artificially synthesized which contain testosterone and other synthetic chemicals which perform activities as that of a testosterone. These steroids are also known as anabolic-androgenic steroids or AAS. The term anabolic means to build…

How A MediSpa can Help You Reshape Your Body?

Anybody who is looking to get started on reshaping their bodies—and without surgery—might want to consider a medical spa.  Medical spas are an excellent way to get a little help doing the very hard work of self-improvement.  Sure, at the…