Imagine having a gastrointestinal problem that can limit you from attending to your everyday activities. That is typically what irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) can do. Although many confuse IBS with other abdominal issues, it is one of the most common digestive disorders. Over 15% of Americans live with uncomfortable, recurrent symptoms like diarrhea, bloating, constipation, excessive gas, and abdominal cramping. These IBS symptoms range from mild to severe and can affect your quality of life if left untreated. Fortunately, this condition isn’t permanent, for Cypress irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) treatments will stabilize your situation instantly. Additionally, Dr. Pothuri constantly advises his patients to lead healthy lives to avoid or stabilize IBS. Therefore, here are five lifestyle changes that can bring much-needed relief.
1. Incorporate some diet changes
Although we all have different dietary reactions, certain foods have consistently been proven to trigger IBS symptoms. Certain foods in your recipe always ignite from mild to severe symptoms and can further affect your overall abdomen. To always be on the safer side, consider eliminating foods like pasteurized dairy, added sugar and refined flour, gluten, and common allergens like eggs, nuts, caffeine, alcohol, and certain grains from your diet. Similarly, the inclusion of some probiotics can also relieve IBS symptoms.
2. Work for stress reduction
Stress is one of the chronic triggers for IBS symptoms. An increase in stress levels can often lead to disruption of your body’s typical hormonal imbalance, thus worsening your condition. You can manage stress levels through meditation, acupuncture exercises, and natural stress relievers.
3. Hydrate often, but hydrate right
While drinking lots of fluids helps with IBS symptoms, not all fluids have the same effects on your stomach. Drinking enough water often is very instrumental in soothing stomach distress. Nevertheless, drinking several beverages can significantly worsen the symptoms of IBS. To minimize further IBS damage and pain, avoid the following drinks:
- Alcoholic drinks
- Caffeinated beverages like tea and coffee
- Carbonated drinks like soda
Caffeine drinks worsen diarrhea, while carbonated beverages can cause gas, which is harmful to IBS.
4. Get enough sleep
Having regulated and consistent sleep improves your sleep quality and helps lessen IBS symptoms. Irregular sleeping patterns can affect your body’s functionality, not excluding your digestion. Similarly, your abdominal muscles will relax when you sleep enough, which is crucial in alleviating an upset stomach. By creating a unique sleeping routine, you will also improve your digestive health.
5. Exercise more frequently
Exercise is the last thing you want to do when you feel bloated. However, regular exercise is vital in preventing and stabilizing IBS symptoms. Exercising helps improve your overall well-being and is instrumental in managing stress. Most importantly, thorough exercising improves IBS symptoms. If you are new to exercise, discuss with your provider how to start low and then adjust with time.
While IBS symptoms may seem mild in some stages, they can worsen if ignored. In addition, you’re more likely to confuse them with other gastrointestinal issues and perceive they can disappear independently. To always safeguard your health, it’s crucial to seek medical help anytime you realize any IBS related-symptoms. Dr. Bharat Pothuri and an expert team at GastroDoxs understand how IBS affects your daily life and offer specialized treatment to relieve your pain. If IBS has been limiting your productivity, don’t hesitate to book your appointment with Dr. Bharat Pothuri today!