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Effective Treatments For Peripheral Arterial Disease

A large percentage of adults aged 50 years and above have peripheral arterial disease (PAD), but most are unaware. The disease rarely causes symptoms, but it can increase your risk of cardiovascular issues such as heart attack and stroke in advanced stages. If you are looking for minimally invasive PAD treatments, the Houston interventional radiology clinic at Alate Health should be your ultimate choice.

How peripheral arterial disease develops

Peripheral vascular disease is a circulatory medical condition that occurs due to narrowing your blood vessels, limiting the amount of nutrients and oxygen flowing to your limbs. This disorder rarely causes any symptoms until it has advanced. The signature symptom of peripheral arterial disease is claudication which may interfere with your mobility, making it difficult to enjoy your favorite physical activities. This disease is often a result of a build-up of fatty deposits in your arteries, a condition known as atherosclerosis.

Over time the build-up causes your arteries to narrow, cutting off blood supply to your extremities. Genetics and lifestyle determine if you have a higher chance of developing peripheral vascular disease. Several factors may increase your risk of the disease, including obesity or being overweight, smoking cigarettes, a history of diabetes or cardiovascular disease, and hypertension. If you are also physically inactive, your risk of developing the disease is higher.

Symptoms indicating peripheral arterial disease

Many people with this disorder rarely experience any symptoms until it has advanced. However, some signs you should look out for include foot or toe wounds that take a long to heal, leg pain at night, decreased temperature in the affected limbs, and muscle cramps in your hips, thighs, or calves when climbing stairs, waking, or exercising. If left untreated, PAD can result in severe complications such as amputation. Early detection and intervention can help you prevent further complications and surgery. Dr. Doe and his skilled team at Alate Health use cutting-edge techniques to diagnose the disorder and offer minimally invasive treatment procedures in a modern and comfortable setting.

Available treatment procedures for peripheral arterial disease

During your appointment at Alate Health, Dr. Doe uses the latest technology to obtain an accurate diagnosis before developing a treatment plan. The insurance often covers these painless tests. The team is experienced in minimally invasive treatments under mild sedation, including stenting, balloon angioplasty, and atherectomy. During balloon angioplasty, your doctor places the catheter attached to a balloon at the tip of the affected artery.

They then inflate the balloon to flatten the fatty deposits and improve circulation. Atherectomy involves a tiny device that removes the deposits, opening up the affected blood vessel. The team uses advanced atherectomy devices for maximum results. Dr. Doe inserts metal tubes into the affected blood vessel during stenting to keep it open. The team only recommends this procedure when it is extremely necessary as it requires blood-thinning medications, and it is not any more effective than angioplasty.

Routine medical examinations can help your doctor detect peripheral arterial disease before it results in severe complications. If you suspect the disorder, call the Alate Health office or schedule;e appointment online for diagnosis and treatment.