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Mold Exposure Treatment And Testing

Our homes should be the safest places for us to stay in. We should be able to rest and recharge in peace inside its walls. However, this isn’t always the case for many reasons. Sometimes the problem is related to security. At other times, the problem is regarding health. The environment itself could make use sick because of the presence of pathogens such as fungi, virus or bacteria. Such is the case when it comes to mold which is a fungus that is commonly found in residential spaces, as well as commercial and industrial areas.

How Mold Grows Around the House

Mold thrives in moist and warm conditions. Areas of the house that are often damp are likely to see mold growth if left unchecked. The bathroom should be given a lot of attention since the shower floor is always wet. Using an exhaust fan should help dry things out faster. The underside of the kitchen sink is another one of the usual suspects. Inspect this space from time to time and make sure to prevent leaks in the pipes. Roof leaks can also lead to mold growth in the attic, as well as the room immediately below it. If there is poor waterproofing, then the basement is vulnerable as well.

The Problem with Mold Exposure

Mold is everywhere and many are exposed to it without any issues because of low levels and high immunity. It becomes problematic when mold growth is rampant because the high concentration of toxic spores may be too much for some people’s immune system to handle. They may experience respiratory issues even if they don’t have any pre-existing conditions. Symptoms include coughs, runny nose, and sneezing. They might also have eye irritation. Those who have asthma, bronchitis, and similar ailments might suffer from a bad attack whenever they encounter a high degree of exposure. This can be dangerous so environmental triggers should be found and removed.

Certain people are also sensitive to airborne allergens including dust, pollen, and mold spores. Exposure might trigger an allergic reaction with similar symptoms to the ones described above. Knowing the cause will allow people to deal with this more effectively. Otherwise, their quality of life might suffer with frequent bouts that will leave them feeling unwell most of the time. This will negatively affect their mood and productivity. If the symptoms are always there when a person in inside the house but feels better when outside in a different place, then this possibility should be explored.

Getting Treatment and Testing

The best way to be sure is to get mold exposure diagnosis from competent doctors who specialize in this type of condition. Not every healthcare professional is equipped to deal with this issue. Laboratory tests will be used to get a conclusive result as to whether mold exposure is to blame for the symptoms experience. After all, many of the signs are shared in common other ailments so proper diagnosis is essential. Once it is irrefutable, a treatment plan will be drawn to suit the patient. Find specialists who can provide competent mold exposure treatment and testing for peace of mind.