Nasal septum deviation is a common disorder of the nose that refers to the dislocation of the nasal septum. Your septum is a piece of cartilage that divides your nasal cavity in two but when this piece of bone moves off centre, it is seen as a deviated septum.
Roughly 80% of people have a misaligned septum but when the deviation is bad enough, it reduces the size of the nasal passages, which makes breathing much more difficult. If your septum is affecting your breathing, you will need functional rhinoplasty to correct it.
Signs You Might Have a Deviated Septum
When the septum only has a mild deviation, patients may only experience excess congestion when they have a cold but in more severe cases, the following issues could be present:
Breathing difficulties. When the nostrils are obstructed, breathing can be more difficult, particularly when you have a cold or an allergic reaction.
Crusting and bleeding. If the septum has become misaligned, the septum becomes excessively dry, which can lead to crusting and nasal bleeding.
Facial pain. A deviated septal wall can lead to facial pain, generally only on one side of your face.
Recurring sinus infections. If you suffer from recurring sinus infections, it could be a sign of a deviated septum.
Noisy breathing. Children with a deviated septum tend to breathe loudly, particularly while sleeping.
Sleep apnea. This is a very dangerous condition that causes someone to stop breathing while they are sleeping and a deviated septum can be the cause.
Treating a Deviated Septum
While symptoms of a deviated septum can be treated with nasal sprays, decongestants and antihistamines, functional rhinoplasty is often the best long-term solution. Please check details here: .
Functional rhinoplasty is also referred to as septoplasty, which is a procedure that focuses solely on aligning the dislocated septum, allowing the patient to breathe normally once again.
Septoplasty needs to be carried out under general anaesthetic as the patient needs to be asleep for the entire procedure. While this is the case for most, some surgeons will simply use a topical anaesthetic cream or injection to numb the area before surgery commences – this is dependent on the patient’s specific situation.
The average septoplasty procedure can take anywhere from 30 – 90 minutes depending on the severity of the deviated septum. During the procedure, a small incision will be made on the side of the nose in order to reach the septal walls.
Once your surgeon has access to the septum, the overlying mucous membrane is lifted so that the septum can be corrected. Once your surgeon has moved the septum, the mucous membrane will be placed back in its original position. In some cases, stitches may be used to hold the septum in place. Cotton packing will also be used to help the operated area heal correctly.
You will be able to return home on the same day as your surgery unless your surgeon feels that an overnight stay is necessary.