There are certain detoxifying agents that can be ingested to pass a urine test. These agents stop the passage of the THC metabolites inside the urine and therefore, can help you pass a urine test if your test happens within 3-4 hours of ingestion of the agents. However, be cautious of fake products and of low quality substances. After all, this is going inside your body, so you need to be very sure. Also, remember to drink loads of water while you use these substances. Try the herbal formulas that are safe for your body and don’t harm you in ways that you won’t like to invite. So, there are a lot of Thc detox drink in store inside our body.
Home remedies
A very common DIY mechanism is to use the Certo method of drug test. Certo is basically a brand of fruit pectin. The pectin forms a coating on the lining of the bladder. This lining prevents THC metabolites to enter into the urine and therefore, can help you pass undetected. This can be the quickest and easiest method to pass a drug test. You can get details on this technique on mercurynewsas well. However, there are too many variables at play and if you have a high BMI, then this technique can betra you as well.
What does not work?
The online arena is full of claims from various companies and you can be easily misguided by people and brands. Be sure of the following things that do not help in passing drug tests.
- Doing a lot of exercise does not help much. The THC metabolites still maintain their presence.
- Loads of water going into your body can do no good too.
- While certo is not so reliable, cranberry juice is a certain failure in detoxifying body.
The low-quality drinks that promise to cleanse your body also often fail to do justice.
The process of taking out THC metabolites from the body can be tough and you may need to struggle a lot to get it done. It is always preferred not to consume marijuana before your interview is scheduled. But in case you have consumed and have realized your folly quite late, you can try the methods we have suggested. Moreover, mercurynewscan help you immensely to try out various options so that you can get the job that you want. We wish that you clear your drug test and get your dream job, and then smoke as much as you want for a lifetime.