Maintaining good oral health can be as simple as brushing and flossing daily, coupled with regular dental visits after every six months. However, most people find this routine exhausting and leave their mouths untended, predisposing them to different gum diseases, including periodontitis. If your gums are bleeding while you brush, you might be worried that your condition has aggravated. However, regular Midtown East family dentistry checks help determine the stage you are at and how to prevent further deterioration. Tag along.
Stage 1: Gingivitis
Generally, periodontitis is not painful, and it is possible to miss the first very signs. Gingivitis is the first stage of periodontitis and results from plaque build-up around the teeth. This may cause swelling along the gum line, and you are likely to experience some bleeding when brushing. At this stage, the symptoms are mild and reversible. With consistent brushing, flossing, and professional teeth cleaning, you will be able to prevent further dental issues.
Stage 2: Slight Periodontitis
At this stage, the infection is aggressive, has reached the bone, and is already wrecking the bone tissues. The symptoms include increased swelling and redness of the gums and bleeding when brushing or flossing. Even though Slight periodontitis is not reversible, it is manageable. To diagnose the condition, your dentist does this by probing the depths between the gums and teeth. If it is above four millimeters, treatment interventions will include extensive gum cleaning to remove deeply rooted bacteria deposits.
Stage 3: Moderate Periodontitis
The only difference between slight and moderate periodontitis is that the probing depths are above 6 millimeters. Deep pockets between the teeth and gums mean more bacterial attacks on the teeth and the jawbone. At this stage, the bacteria can easily make an entry into your bloodstream and compromise your immune system. Treatment intervention will include deep cleaning procedures, such as scaling and root planing, to remove bacterial deposits from deep below the gum line.
Stage 4: Advanced Periodontitis
This is the final stage of periodontitis. At this stage, the infection has advanced to a disease-causing bacteria. The stage presents a 50-90% chance of irreversible bone loss. The symptoms include swollen, red gums that ooze pus, extreme sensitivity to cold, painful chewing, loosened teeth, and severe bad breath. If the condition is left untreated, you risk gaps between teeth, gum recession, and other severe health conditions. Surgery or periodontal laser therapy becomes a necessity at this stage to clean out the deep pockets of bacteria below the gums and allow the infected tissues to recover.
Symptoms of periodontitis may take a while to manifest, and it is possible to only catch the symptoms when the condition is already in the fourth stage. Treatment of the disease varies depending on the severity of the condition. As such, regular dental visits are key to maintaining proper oral hygiene. This makes it easier to catch the disease early when it is most treatable and reversible. Treatment may include antibiotics and deep teeth cleaning if the symptoms are identified earlier. However, if it is in the advanced stage, you may require surgery to remove the infection.