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Genitourinary Cancers: Understanding The Common Types of Genitourinary Cancer

The genitourinary, also known as the urogenital system, consists of urinary and reproductive organs, including the bladder, kidneys, testes, penis, and prostate. While genitourinary cancers are not as common as skin cancer, breast cancer, and the like, they affect both men and women. Unfortunately, most of these cancers do not have obvious symptoms, which may lead many people to overlook them. However, if left untreated, phoenix genitourinary cancer could lead to serious complications and sometimes even be life-threatening. Continue reading to learn about the common genitourinary concerns you should watch out for.

Prostate Cancer

The prostate, a gland the size of a walnut positioned behind the bladder, plays a crucial role in both urinary and sexual function. Numerous American men with prostate cancer do not develop symptoms. One typical concern, frequent or weakened urination, is linked to various medical conditions that are not usually symptomatic of prostate cancer. Most prostate cancers are diagnosed through regular screening with an examination or a blood test for prostate-specific antigens.

Kidney Cancer

Most individuals have two kidneys, which are positioned above the waist close to the spine. Renal cell cancer is cancer that could develop in the kidney tubes. These tubes are crucial for blood filtration and the production of urine and waste.

Urothelial carcinoma could also develop in the portion of the kidney that accumulates and empties urine. These malignancies could be asymptomatic, and most kidney cancers are discovered during screening for other medical problems. Nevertheless, potential symptoms include blood in the urine and upper flank or back pain.

Testicular Cancer

The testicles are two egg-shaped glands within the scrotum, or the saggy skin, immediately beneath the penis. Cancer of the testicles could affect one or both testicles. Besides a rigid state in the testicle, symptoms could include discomfort, soreness, or inflammation in the region. This condition typically affects men in their 20s to 30s, but it could also develop in older or younger persons.

Bladder Cancer

Numerous bladder cancers develop in the cells lining the bladder. Other bladder cancers include squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma. Squamous cell carcinoma originates in the thin, flat bladder cells, while adenocarcinoma originates in the cells making up and releasing mucus and other fluids. Common symptoms include the urgency to urinate, blood in the urine, and discomfort in your pelvis.

Penile Cancer

Penile cancer occurs whenever cancerous cells in the penis develop uncontrollably. It frequently begins in the penis’ skin cells and can spread within. While quite rare, penile cancer is treatable, particularly if detected early on.

Adrenocortical Carcinoma (ACC)

ACC is a malignancy of the adrenal glands, two little triangular-shaped glands located atop either kidney. The external layer of these glands is known as the adrenal cortex. The adrenal cortex produces vital hormones that regulate the body’s blood pressure, water balance, stress response, and female and male characteristics.

ACCs often develop within the adrenal cortex. Typical symptoms include abdominal pain, acne, hypertension, excessive hair growth, and a deepening of the voice.

Receiving a genitourinary cancer diagnosis can be very frightening. Luckily, most cancers are treatable when detected early. Therefore, you should schedule regular screenings if you identify any warning signs or have specific risk factors for a certain malignancy.