Intrauterine insemination (IUI) is basically a fertility treatment where sperm are placed directly into a woman’s uterus. During natural conception, sperm need to travel from the vagina through the cervix, into the uterus, and up to the fallopian tubes. With IUI, sperm are washed to remove debris & to increase the concentration and concentrated, and also placed directly into the uterus, which puts them closer to the egg. This process is proven to increase the likelihood of pregnancy in certain couples who have had difficulty getting pregnant due to several issues. Says Dr. Hrishikesh Pai who is working with a Mumbai based IVF Centre.
Check out for information about natural fertility and all related details at Women now have the option of freezing their eggs so that they can have child whenever they want
Who does IUI help?
IUI may be a relatively noninvasive and less-expensive fertility treatment compared to more invasive and costly treatments like in vitro fertilization (IVF) but specialists still consider it as one of the most reliable process. In some cases, couples may begin with IUI before getting to IVF if needed. IUI could also be the sole treatment needed to achieve pregnancy. IUI are often performed with the help of a male partner’s sperm or donor sperm.
IUI is mostly utilized in following scenarios:
- unexplained infertility
- mild endometriosis
- issues with the cervix or cervical mucus
- low sperm count
- decreased sperm motility
- issues with ejaculation or erection
- same-sex couples wishing to conceive
- a single woman wishing to conceive
- a couple eager to avoid passing on a genetic disease from the male partner to the kid
IUI isn’t effective within the following scenarios:
- women with moderate to severe endometriosis
- women who have had both fallopian tubes blocked
- women who have had both fallopian tubes removed
- women with severe Fallopian tube disease
- women who have had multiple pelvic infections
- men who produce no sperm
In situations where IUI isn’t recommended, another treatment like IVF could also be helpful. If you would like to discuss options for conceiving, your doctor can help determine the best one that is suitable for you.
What to expect once you have the procedure
- IUI may be a relatively painless and noninvasive procedure. No medications are given. A lady ovulates naturally and has the sperm placed at a doctor’s office during the time of
- IUI also can be combined with ovarian stimulation. Medications like clomiphene (Clomid), hCG (human Chorionic Gonadotropin), and FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) could also be wont to prompt the ovaries to mature and release an egg or multiple
- Each fertility specialist will have their own specific instructions for the IUI procedure. After your initial consultation, once you and your physician have determined that IUI is the best possible option to opt for, a typical timeline may include the following:
- You may have several office visits while on your period for bloodwork, ultrasounds, and drugs
- If medications are prescribed, you’ll usually start taking them while your menstrual cycle is going
- About 7 days after starting the medication, your doctor will ask for another ultrasound and possibly bloodwork
- Based on your test results, your doctor will determine the date of ovulation. This is often done typically 10 to 16 days after starting the
- Your male partner will provide a semen sample the day of the procedure, or the donor sperm are going to be
- The sperm will immediately be taken to a lab where they’re going to be “washed.” This is often a process where the semen and other debris are removed in order that the sperm is extremely concentrated and unlikely to irritate the
What are the risks?
There is a minimum risk of infection following the IUI procedure. Your doctor will use sterile instruments, so infection is extremely rare. If medications are wont to induce ovulation, there’s a risk of pregnancy with multiple babies. Since fertility medications increase the likelihood that more than one egg are going to be released, they also increase the likelihood of pregnancy with multiples. Your physician will attempt to balance the quantity and sort of medication, along side bloodwork and ultrasound monitoring, to stop too many eggs from being released at once. Sometimes the ovaries might over-respond to fertility medications and a condition called ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may occur. an outsized number of eggs could also be matured at once and possibly
released. In very rare cases, ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome may result in fluid buildup within the chest and abdomen.
If you’re currently taking fertility medications for IUI and notice any of the subsequent symptoms, you must call your doctor immediately.
- dizziness or lightheadedness
- sudden weight gain
- shortness of breath
- nausea and vomiting
- severe abdominal or pelvic pain
- sudden increase in abdominal size
The takeaway
Intrauterine insemination is considered to be a relatively low-risk treatment which will be an exquisite option for several women or couples trying to conceive. If you’ve got had difficulty conceiving, speak together with your doctor or a fertility specialist. Your doctor can help determine the best course to assist you achieve pregnancy, and IUI could also be an efficient route.