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Surviving Depression After a Car Accident that Left You Severely Injured

Recovering from an accident is never easy. Aside from the severe physical trauma that you suffered, you might also go through depression. Things might not be the same anymore especially if the accident left you with physical impairments.

Instead of going back to your usual routine after the accident, you might not do some of those things anymore. You might be unable to walk or move part of your body. It is tough for you to be in this situation, and it is easy for you to fall into depression.

If you feel like you might fall into depression because of the injury, or you already have signs that you are, you need to do these things.

Speak to family and friends

You are not alone in this journey, and you have people around you who are willing to help you. Don’t feel like you are a burden to them because they are doing everything they can to help out. They love you, and this is not the time for you to carry the load alone. Besides, even if you don’t talk to them, your depression will manifest in other ways. They will still end up suffering because of you. If you want to spare them from further problems, talk to them and let them know how you feel.

Seek help from a professional

If you want to recover faster, you need to find professionals who will walk you through your problem. You might be too shy to speak with the people close to you about how you feel. A professional is someone who won’t judge you, or who knows nothing about you. Therefore, you might think that it is easy for you to be open about your thoughts and feelings to this person. There is no assurance that you will survive depression, but at least someone will be helping you.

Join groups

You are not the only person in this world who is going through such a traumatic experience. Several people have also had severe injuries after an accident, or for many other reasons. They are sharing their experiences through these groups, and it might help you also to do the same. You can also find people who already survived the ordeal, and they might give you tips on how to survive yours. Besides, it is a good feeling to be around people who know what you are going through. Even if you don’t talk during the discussion or be open about what you feel, your presence already helps a lot.

Do what you love

Focus on things you can still do that you enjoy doing. If you are a fan of reading books or watching movies, take time to do it. You might already be behind with your favorite TV shows because you were too sad even to switch on the TV. Keeping your mind distracted from your problem could help.

See a physical therapist

You might have a severe injury now, but you can ask for help from a physical therapist to hasten your recovery. They won’t give up on you, and they might even have tried working with people who have worse conditions than yours.  

Don’t let depression get the best of you. Do these things, and survive.