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What Should You Expect During the Menopause Period?

Women usually experience transitional changes throughout their lives from infancy, puberty, and reproductive age to climacteric age, also known as the menopause period. If you are in your menopause stage and experiencing some negative symptoms, the menopause Lake Mary clinic in Florida will help and guide you in managing your symptoms. 

The menopause period is when a woman’s fertility has declined and is usually met with negative symptoms. Here is a drive-through on what to expect during your menopause period.

What is menopause?

The menopause period is when a woman stops menstruating or fails to get her menstrual periods for 12 consecutive months. Menopause is a biological process affecting women in their 40s or 50s.

During menopause, women’s fertility drastically declines, making it impossible to conceive or adjust to the everyday lifestyle or routine.

Menopause symptoms

The menopause stage or period is usually attributed to low estrogen levels in the woman’s body. In the period leading to menopause, also known as perimenopause, you might begin to experience several negative symptoms, as highlighted below.

  • Hot flashes
  • Irregular periods
  • Weight gain
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Mood swings
  • Insomnia
  • Thinning hair or dry skin

Women are different, and some of the symptoms mentioned above might not prevail; however, some symptoms are majorly common in preparing your body for menopause. Also, some women have reported that the menopause or the perimenopause period has negatively affected their lives by being unable to enjoy their everyday life, including experiencing mental depression, loss of motivation, etc.

When should you visit a menopause specialist?

The perimenopause and the menopause period can negatively affect your life and lead to several health challenges such as mental depression, bone loss, low libido, UTIs, etc. If any of the mentioned symptoms prevail, visit a menopause specialist who will provide preventative care and any medical assistance.

Due to low estrogen levels during menopause, one might also be at risk of heart disease, a heart attack or stroke. Therefore, making regular visits to your doctor for preventative care measures is crucial. 

Are there menopause treatment care options?

The menopause period is a biological process that might not need any medical treatment; however, to relieve the symptoms that might arise, it might be necessary to seek other hormonal management treatment and therapy. 

Hormonal replacement therapy, abbreviated as HRT, is the most effective treatment method to help you manage the uncomfortable menopause symptoms. However, the HRT treatment is not ideal for every woman. Women with cancer, liver disease, blood clots, unexplained vaginal bleeding, or pregnancy should avoid the HRT treatment option.

Suppose the HRT treatment method is not ideal; in that case, plenty of other treatment options might help you manage your menopause symptoms. The other treatment options include; bisphosphonates, parathyroid hormones and Selective Estrogen Receptors Modulators (SERMS).

The menopause period can be scary and unanticipated by most women; however, you do not have to go through it alone. Dr Christopher K Quinsey, MD, is a certified obstetrician and gynecologist in Florida who will help you manage your menopause symptoms and identify what management techniques are ideal for you. Call his office today and book an online appointment.