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Effective Sleep Habits You should Know

The soft blue light from your phone, tablet, or digital alarm clock might be keeping you up at night. Turn off the TV, computers, and other sources of blue light at least an hour before bedtime. You should hide screens you can’t turn off. The facts about sleep are essential here.

Forget About Naps

This will allow you to have a more restful sleep. If you must sleep during the day, try to get no more than 20 minutes of sleep. Rest while it’s still cool out and the sun is low in the sky.

If you feel your energy dipping in the afternoon, try getting some fresh air, sipping some cool water, or calling a friend.

The Clock Must Be Stopped

Is that something you often check in on while you’re sleeping? This may force your thoughts to turn to the events of the next day, keeping you awake.

Put your alarm clock in a drawer, slide it under your bed, or flip it over so that the face is facing the wall.

If your back hurts, try resting your legs on a pillow.

Even if your lower back pain isn’t severe enough to wake you up, it might still prevent you from entering the deepest stages of sleep. Put a pillow between your legs to support your hips and relieve pressure on your lower back.

Do you sleep on your side or your back? Put a pillow in the space between your knees to provide some relief.

Maintain a “Neutral” posture of the neck.

It’s your pillow’s fault if you feel drained and stiff in the morning. It’s important to have something that’s just the right size to support the natural curve of your neck while you’re lying on your back, without being too bulky or flat. Do you favour the side of the bed? Align the bridge of your nose with your midline. Don’t become comfortable sleeping on your stomach. Your neck becomes twisted as a result.

Even before you go to bed, make sure you’re sitting up straight. Avoid straining your neck when watching TV.

Protect your mattress with a cover.

Sneezing, runny noses, and itchy eyes are just a few of the allergy symptoms that may disrupt a restful night’s sleep. Perhaps your bed is the source of the issue. After some time, allergens like mould and dust mite faeces may begin to build up inside of it. They may be avoided by properly sealing your bedding (mattress, box springs, and pillows).

The best covers are watertight, dustproof, and constructed of plastic.

Only use your bed to sleep and have sexual activities in.

The bedroom should be a relaxing space in which to unwind. Do not attempt to do anything productive like working, surfing the web, or watching TV while sitting on your bed. Most people say that between 68 and 72 degrees Fahrenheit makes for the most comfortable night’s sleep.

Readjust Your Internal Clock

Be as consistent as possible with your sleep and wake times, including on the weekends. If you maintain this schedule consistently, your brain and body will adjust to a normal sleep-wake pattern. After a while, you’ll be able to go to sleep quickly and stay asleep all night long without waking up feeling exhausted. After getting out of bed, spend five to thirty minutes in a place with bright light. Your muscles sit still until the light tells them to move.