Sleeping sound and unbothered can reward you a great feeling in the morning, but it’s such a difficult task, especially when many factors are keeping you from sleeping. A good night’s sleep is as important as your healthy diet and regular exercise. Many scientists revealed that poor sleep could provide adverse effects on your cognitive function and exercise performance.
That’s why it’s always best to provide your body the sleep it needs to optimize your health and function well during the day. Research shows that good sleep can also lead to losing weight because sleeping better can help you eat less and exercise more.
But statistics show that over the past few decades, the quality and quantity sleep are both declining which leads to many people not getting enough sleep. So if you want a better health and at the same time lose weight, follow these tips to achieve that beauty rest you want and need.
Upgrade Your Bedroom Into a Sleep-Inducing Place
A lot of people believe that a bedroom’s environment can contribute a lot to a good night’s sleep. These factors include things such as the temperature of your place, if it’s quiet enough to make you sleep, and how bright it is.
A calm, cool and dark environment can ensure a sound shut-eye. Studies conducted have proven that external noise from traffic can affect the way you sleep and can cause long-term health issues.
The temperature of your bedroom can also be a contributing factor in your slumber. You may have experienced this yourself but it can be difficult to sleep when the temperature’s too warm. A study by Libert, et. al., even found out that bedroom temperature affects an individual’s sleep more than external noise.
It’s best to consider optimizing your bedroom into something that induces sleepiness. To achieve such an environment, try minimizing the light in your room by using heavy curtains, blackout shades and by removing devices with artificial light like alarm clocks.
Use noise-cancellation appliances to reduce external noise. Also, try to keep the temperature at a cool level—between 60°F and 75°F—or a temperature of your choice. Upgrading your bedroom into a clean and quiet environment can make it a relaxing place. It’ll help you sleep better at night and will provide a fresh start in the morning.
Get Comfortable Bed Accessories
Have you ever felt more relaxed, and for some reason, always sleep better in a hotel? Well, aside from having that relaxing environment that comforts you while sleeping, the quality of the bed, mattresses and pillows can also affect your slumber.
Research by Jacobson, et. al, states that “Sleep surfaces are related to sleep discomfort, and that is indeed possible to reduce pain and discomfort and increase sleep quality.” Another study conducted by Altena, et. al., found out that an active choice of bedding system can reduce back pain, spine stiffness, and shoulder pain.
They studied the benefits of a new mattress for 28 days and it significantly decreased the participant’s back pain by 57%, spine stiffness by 59% and shoulder pain by 60%. It also improved the participant’s sleep quality by 60 percent.
You should invest in bed accessories that allow you to relax fully. For instance, getting a mattress that’s comfortable enough to support your body or pillows that suit your personal preferences.
It’s up to you to decide what you should buy but you always have to consider its quality. Because in the end, it’s your health and overall sleep quality that’s affected.
Avoid Coffee Late in the Day
There’s no denying that coffee has various of benefits on the human body. In fact, a single dose of it can enhance energy, focus, and muscle strength. However, too much of it can lead to adverse effects. In this case, when you consume coffee too often, especially late in the day, the stimulation of your body to naturally relax at night can stop.
Coffee can significantly worsen your sleep quality. According to a study by Drake, et. al, “A reduction in total sleep time suggests that caffeine taken 6 hours before bedtime has important disruptive effects on sleep and provides empirical support for sleep hygiene recommendations to refrain from substantial caffeine use for a minimum of 6 hours before bedtime.”
That’s why if you’re craving for coffee but want to sleep tight during the night, don’t consume large amounts in the afternoon or evening. It’s best if you stick with decaffeinated coffee to lessen the adverse effect of caffeine.
Exercise Regularly
Exercise is one of the best ways to improve your overall health and quality of sleep. It can help ease insomnia, which is a leading cause of sleeplessness to some. Researchers from the National Taiwan University found out that, “Participation in an exercise training program has positive effects on sleep quality. Physical exercise could be an alternative approach to existing therapies for sleep problems.”
Although exercise can help you doze off soundly, you have to do it at the right time. Regular exercises such as jogging, push-ups, biking or playing sports is best done during the daytime because it releases hormones such as adrenaline and cortisol, which are ideal for activating the alert mechanism of the brain, but not unless you’re trying to sleep.
Although, it may also depend\ on an individual since some researchers found out that exercising before bedtime presents no difference of the quality of sleep to some. It’s a good idea to do some exercises right after waking up on your mattresses. But it’s best to exercise during the day because it can surely activate your body, as opposed to doing it hours before bedtime.
Relax Your Body and Mind Before Sleeping
If you have trouble sleeping, try doing some pre-sleep routines that help your body relax. According to a study by Rider, et. al., music, therapy, and relaxation can help ease the circadian rhythm of a human body. One research even suggests that a relaxing massage improves sleep quality in ill patients.
Strategize on how you could relax and clear your mind before bedtime. Try things like listening to relaxing music, taking a bath which promotes drowsiness, reading a book, watching television, and deep breathing. Try different techniques and see what works best for you.
Your sleep can dictate a lot about your health, so it’s essential that you get an ample amount of slumber. If you have trouble sleeping, the tips mentioned can become your savior. Try different ways to know what works best for your lifestyle. Remember, sleep shouldn’t be sacrificed for other things, as it can provide you energy and wellness the next day.
Author’s Bio
Rachel Minahan is a health enthusiast who writes for different blog sites that talks about health, lifestyle, and wellness. As a budding writer and an advocate for good sleep, she recommends that people should sleep atleast 8-9 hours a day to function at the optimum level.