Almost 6.5 million children in the US have ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder) and although the disorder is associated with children, it can affect adults too. About 4 percent of those over 18 struggle with ADHD on a regular basis. Although there is no actual cure for ADHD, the good news is that there are proven ADHD treatment options available, and for the most part it’s possible to keep the symptoms under control.
Most people with ADHD have prescribed medication to help them cope with the disorder, and there are several so-called central nervous system stimulants available, of which Adderall, Dexadrene and Ritalin are some of the most common. These all provide effective ADHD treatment by increasing the amount of specific brain chemicals and improving overall focus and concentration. For most people who take these stimulants, the side effects are mild or not noticeable at all, although these can include weight loss, difficulty sleeping, headaches and irritability.
Various non stimulant medications can also be used to treat ADHD; these include Strattera and Wellbutin, and these are often prescribed for children with certain other medical conditions, such as bipolar disorder or a heart condition. All of these medications come in different dosage sizes, depending on the severity of the disorder.
Although medication for treating ADHD treatment is effective, there are also other options available, including a variety of natural remedies. Behavior modification has been shown to work effectively with both children and adults; it involves imposing consequences for negative behavior, with the intent of decreasing or eliminating such behavior. Rewarding good behavior is also part of this treatment system. If you are a parent trying to cope with your child’s ADHD at home, you probably know how demanding and stressful that can be, and behavior modification can help significantly. Making your expectations clear, explaining the system of rewards and consequences, and being as patient and understanding as possible are all important aspects.
Having a structured and predictable environment, along with a routine are also important when it comes to ADHD treatment and coping at home. Children can also benefit from social skills training and counseling, and parents can get advice from a support group. And if your child isn’t getting enough sleep, the lack of sleep can also make their ADHD symptoms more noticeable; simply getting a good night’s sleep regularly can help treat ADHD
Taking a tai chi or yoga class can help kids with ADHD to cope more effectively, as can simply spending more time outside or exercising. Spending about 20 minutes regularly in a pleasant setting, such as a garden or by a lake can significantly improve concentration for those with ADHD. Taking certain supplements or herbs can also be an effective option for natural ADHD treatment, although it can be hit and miss as to what works, and you should always check with your doctor first. Zinc or magnesium supplements have been proven effective, as have ginseng, gingko and Vitamins B6 and C.
Avoiding foods that contain chemicals and additives has become known as ‘clean eating’ and simply changing your child’s diet can be an effective way to treat ADHD. Increasing the overall intake of protein is also recommended for anyone with ADHD, as it can influence the neurotransmitters that allow brain cells to communicate. Avoiding snacks and eating at regular meal times can help to regulate blood sugar levels, something else that helps to control ADHD.
If you have ADHD, you aren’t alone; a surprising number of celebrities have been diagnosed and have learned to cope. Whether you choose prescribed medication or simply change your diet, ADHD needn’t be an insurmountable obstacle.