In what refers to buying the domestic machines people usually get confused by the variety of products on the market, same as their numerous characteristics. And juice extractors are not an exception in this matter. The range of brands, models and types of appliances one can currently find makes buyers totally lost and unable to focus on something particular. Many of those apply for the friends’ advice or online assistance to at least help them choose the device that’s worth attention. Primarily for that category of customers, we provide our own guide on picking the best twin gear juicer on the market money can buy.
How do the twin gear juicers work?
The primary thing distinguishing triturating juicers from centrifugal machines is the speed they operate on. Due to design specifics twin gear models work at much lower revs compared to the older-type devices. Normally, the speed of the two counter-rotating augers is 80-110 RPM. It is enough to deal with majority of fruits and vegetables, crush nuts and make juice out of leafy greens. Those who strive for taking fresh food and beverages only will find it beneficial that the twin gear juicers preserve all the nutrients and vitamins the fruits normally contain. The low RPM and absence of a heat factor make it possible for enzymes and minerals to be extracted with no slightest loss in quality. Also, the quiet work allows for juice extractors to be used regardless of place and time, with no risk to wake up your children.
The top rated models to opt for
Super Angel Deluxe Model with Soft Fruit Extracting Housing
Coming with a stainless steel construction, this model offers a no-failure operation in a long run. The novice users will be amazed at how hustle-free this product is with all the featured technologies on board. Thus, it’s equipped with a self-controlling motor thermal sensor and boasts an automatic cooling system assigned to prevent overheating situations. Also, the smart anti-jamming technology will just turn your device using into the effortless and joyful experience.
Tribest Green Star Gs-3000 Deluxe
No matter what type of ingredients you use, this machine will always grant you with an excellent yield and simply unmatched juice quality. The adjustable backpressure level allows this appliance to be used with maximum efficiency and minimum efforts applied. It should be noted that owning the device will grant you with a unique chance to not only produce juice but make nut butter and baby food as well. The young families will, surely, have a good use of this tool.
Samson Green Power Kpe-1304
To begin with, this mode is one of the least noisy juicers currently found in the markets. Its noise level doesn’t exceed 60 decibels in total. Pressing leafy greens, vegetables and fruits is not a problem with KPE-1304 by your side. Besides, its magnetized one-liter jug provides the maximum comfort with storing your juice, meaning the end product can easily preserve its properties for up to 3 days.