A blood test is the first step towards diagnosing even a small disease. Hence, it has become very common these days. There are mobile services such as mobile lab tests by A Plus that can assist you in blood test.
Let’s take a quick look at what benefits can you derive by opting for mobile blood test:
- No Leave From Work
Normally, when you take a scheduled appointment to visit a public clinic or lab for your blood test, your whole day goes waiting. Mobile blood test, which is gaining a lot of prominence, allows you to go for a quick blood test and get the report within 24 hours.
- No Wait Time
The only thing that kills your patience is the wait time. All you need to do is call the mobile blood test professionals and they will be right there at your doorstep. You don’t have to wait for booking an appointment or wait in long lines in a public lab.
- Get Quicker Test Results
Few major test results such as H. Pylori, sometimes, take days, weeks or months together. This may end up in delaying the right treatment on the right time. Mobile test results reach you faster within 24 to 48 hours.
- Suitability
Mobile tests are chosen by people who don’t have public or private health insurance. There’s a very minimum nursing fee paying which you will be done with the test.
- Income Tax Returns
Once you choose mobile lab tests, you need not worry about paying taxes. In fact, you can get the amount of fee and other charges reimbursed. This reimbursement is absolutely tax free under the heading medical expenditure.
- Experienced Mobile Staff
You may not get satisfactory services in other labs or clinic; be it public or private. Mobile labs provide you with highly trained and efficient nurses or professionals. They are also trained to deal with the patients with utmost care and courtesy.
- Step By Step Assistance
Public labs or clinics will not provide any guidance to you as they don’t have sufficient time to attend all their clients or patients. Well, this is totally opposite in mobile labs as you will be assisted thoroughly by an experienced care coordinator.
There are online platforms such as mobile lab tests by A Plus that will provide you with extensive details about how to book a mobile lab test.