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What are the complications in orthopedic trauma surgery?

Orthopedic trauma is the complex injury to the muscular or the skeletal system and it usually happens due to slip and fall or accidents. As the injury takes place as a result of external force, it can be life-threatening. Hence, as soon as you get involved in an accident, the first thing to do is seek medical attention for trauma treatment seattle wa. However, make sure that you get in touch with an expert surgeon because they are highly complicated cases requiring the expertise of orthopedic trauma surgeons.

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Orthopedic trauma is a comprehensive term as it encompasses a wide range of injuries. The main role of the surgeon here is to identify the injury and provide the best remedy and prognosis to ensure faster recovery. If the injuries fail to respond to non-surgical methods like rest, medications, physical therapies, or supportive braces, the surgeon will make use of surgical methods. However, the patient can face more complications if the surgery is not performed in the right manner. This is where you need an orthopedic expert witness to check the entire case in details. Before understanding the role of orthopedic expert witnesses in orthopedic trauma malpractice cases, you need to know the types of complications that you can face.

Complications in orthopedic trauma surgery:

Orthopedic trauma can take place due to the following reasons- physical violence, slip and fall, natural calamities, sports, bike/car accidents, etc. Old age patients are at high risk of sustaining traumatic injuries than the young age group.

Orthopedic trauma surgery comes with risks as they are critical operations. With the right expertise, there are good chances of recovery. However, you might face post-surgical complications because of technical errors or other negligence. Some of the complications are:

  • Wound infection
  • UTI
  • Bleeding
  • Urinary retention
  • Delirium
  • Neurapraxia
  • Pneumonia
  • Pressure ulcus

Such complications can take place because of various reasons and some of them are- wrong length of implant, wrong surgical approach, inadequate fracture reduction, using wrong implant, etc. Also, the doctor might fail to consider the previous medical history, or might fail to obtain informed consent from the patient.

What to do if you have sustained injuries or complications due to negligence?

If you’re facing complications, get a second opinion. Moreover, talk to an attorney as they can help in getting your deserving compensation. Patients who have been a victim of medical malpractice have the right to seek compensation for all the injuries and damages caused. Attorneys work in close collaboration with an orthopedic expert witness to determine the gravity of the injuries, calculate the damages, and to determine the fault of the surgeon. Usually, it’s quite difficult to prove a doctor wrong in the eyes of law. Hence, you need to have the strongest expert witness for understanding the merit and loopholes of the case. If it is proved that the surgeon was responsible, the attorney will go ahead with the next procedures which include filing a lawsuit. Expert witnesses also provide testimony and deposition services.