Everyone experiences pain at some point in life. No matter the degree of pain, it’s not something to enjoy. At the occurrence of pain, the first thing we think about is to relieve the discomfort. Various types of pain may result from different issues. The effects of the pain also vary, for instance, neuropathic pain may cause severe and debilitating effects. The neuropathic pain Austin specialist can help you figure out the cause of your pain and provide treatments. Keep reading to discover more about neuropathic pain.
What is neuropathic pain?
It occurs when you have damage or disease in the sensory nerves. Sensory nerves are part of your central nervous system. Neuropathy is a condition that causes nerve damage, including sensory nerves.
The condition affects your nervous function, including how nerves send signals to your brain. Neuropathy causes burning and tingling sensations, numbness, hypersensitivity, shooting pain, and weakness. The symptoms depend on the affected nerve.
What causes neuropathic pain?
Neuropathic pain may occur when a nerve in the peripheral nervous system gets damaged, pinched, compressed, or trapped. There are various types of neuropathic pain, including the following.
Entrapment neuropathy
It is a condition that occurs when you have a trapped or pinched nerve in your neck, elbow, wrist, shoulder, hip, or lower leg. Entrapment neuropathy causes carpal tunnel syndrome and thoracic outlet syndrome.
Peripheral neuropathy
It occurs in the longest nerves of the body, moving to the hands and feet. Peripheral neuropathy may result from a hereditary condition, viral infection, diabetes, vascular disease, or liver disease.
Postherpetic neuralgia
It is a nerve pain that results from herpes zoster, a viral infection known as shingles.
Trigeminal neuralgia
It is a nerve pain that causes severe pain on one side of your face or jaw.
Post-traumatic neuropathy
Post-traumatic neuropathy is nerve pain that occurs after an injury or surgery.
Phantom limb pain
It’s the pain that develops after a leg or arm amputation.
The Republic Spine and Pain team provides treatments for various types and causes of neuropathic pain.
What are the treatments for neuropathic pain?
Your provider at the Republic Spine and Pain offers comprehensive diagnoses to develop personalized treatment plans for neuropathic pain. The treatments focus on managing or relieving the pain.
Your neuropathic treatment plan may include physical therapy, activity modification, stress management, prescription medication, and supportive devices. If conservative treatments fail to give you pain relief, your provider may recommend other advanced treatments.
Radiofrequency nerve ablation is a minimally invasive procedure that involves burning or damaging the nerve to prevent it from sending pain signals to the brain.
A spinal cord stimulator is also a treatment for neuropathic pain. It’s a device that transfers an electrical signal to your spinal cord. It alters the pain signal to improve the pain sensation.
Neuropathic pain may lead to reduced feeling, loss of movement, and muscle control when not treated. The pain is severe, which may interfere with your daily function.
Contact the Republic Spine and Pain today to schedule your consultation or book an appointment online.