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What To Expect During Your First Well Woman Exam

As a woman safeguarding your health requires more than lifestyle measures. Women’s health is versatile, and you should ensure you have a women’s health specialist in your closet. More than your typical annual check-ups, the well woman exam San Antonio provides comprehensive and individualized care guaranteeing your health and safety in the long run.

While this procedure may seem unnecessary when you are just fine, it goes beyond to prevent any arising health issue that could have cost you more resources and time. The exams are critical in providing a baseline for your overall health and screening for any potential illness.

Why should you need the well-woman exam?

It’s convincing to understand why you can be nervous for your first examination session, but that shouldn’t bar you from seeing your specialist. There are certainly no specifications to heave a well-women exam; you can have one as long as you are sexually active. Additionally, you are an ideal candidate for the examination if you are experiencing pelvic pain or menstrual irregularities. These exams are the only way to detect any cases of cervical and breast cancer. Here is what you should expect in your first exam sessions.

1. A physical exam

You will receive a complete body exam to look after numerous factors that affect your health, including blood pressure, heart rate, and weight. With advanced techniques, your health specialist will listen to your heart and lungs to check for any endangering signs. During this session, your gynecologist will also review your medical history and seek clarity on the issues affecting you.

2. Gynecological examination

Unlike your annual physical exam, the well-woman exam entails getting a thorough gynecological check-up to screen for potential health problems. This includes your urinary and vaginal health issues. Your gynecologist will now ask for any unique concerns that could be affecting you recently. If necessary, the relevant test will be conducted at this stage to ascertain you are safe from any infectious disease.

3. Birth control guidance

Since every sexually active woman uses birth control, all your queries will be addressed during the exams. Your provider will assess whether birth control affects your health and offer an alternative.

4. Wellness screening tests

The good thing with well-woman exams is that it addresses your entire health. You can receive various screening tests to check for colon, breast, and many more. If diagnosed with any condition, your gynecologist will guide you on how and when to receive the appropriate treatments. In addition, you can be directed to other screening procedures that match your age, family history, or medical history. Find out the best breast screening services near you, incase your initial reports are fishy.

5. Pap Smear

Women aged 21-65 should get a pap smear every three years. It helps identify the early symptoms of cervical cancer. Your gynecologist will use a small brush or spatula to gently eradicate cells away from your cervix without moving the speculum. The procedure isn’t painful, but you can feel a little pinching sensation. A sample will be sent to check for any potentiality of cervical cancer.

Make A Date For Your First Well-Woman Exam!

Constantly, prevention is the best cure, especially for sexually active women. Don’t wait for your situation to worsen; you can get checked beforehand. Dr. Jerome Washington and his gynecologist team will give you a unique experience during your well-woman exam.

You can shield your health with this improved examination. Book your session with LUNA MED SPA & WASHINGTON OB/GYN P.A today!