Most moles are harmless, although even the benign ones can be unsightly and your doctor should be able to advise if a mole is potentially cancerous. Although there are various home remedies to reduce their appearance, they don’t all give the best results. Mole removal surgery is a safe, fast and painless way to get rid of your moles once and for all. Not surprisingly, most mole removal surgery is carried out on the face, although moles can appear just about anywhere on the body. The typical cost is between $125 and $400 and the cost may be covered by insurance of the removal is considered necessary and not just for cosmetic reasons. We recommend checking out this mole removal Phoenix Arizona option.
Before you have any moles removed, you should have a consultation with your doctor who can advise you on the procedure and what exactly to expect. The affected area will be photographed, measured and cleaned, sometimes on the day of the surgery, sometimes before then. The actual procedure of removing a mole is straightforward; your doctor will generally use a scalpel to scrape the mole away, as well as some of the surrounding skin, after having injected you with a local anesthetic. Expect the procedure to take no more than a few minutes, although a larger mole may take longer to remove and your doctor should be able to predict how long the procedure will take.
After your mole removal surgery, you can anticipate needing at least a few days off from work or school; the extent of surgery and the size of the mole that was removed largely determine how long it takes you to feel 100 percent back to normal. And it’s worth remembering that if a large mole is removed, or your doctor had to cut more deeply to remove the mole, you may need stitches and the procedure may leave a faint scar. A mild itching or soreness is common around the affected area, although you shouldn’t experience any severe pain. Your doctor will probably schedule a follow up appointment just to be sure that the area is healing as it should; this is especially important if your mole removal surgery meant having stitches.
After your mole removal surgery, the affected area should be soothed and kept clean, and your doctor will tell you how to do that. If you didn’t require any stitches, gently cleaning the area with a mixture of water and mild soap is usually sufficient, followed by the application of an anti-bacterial cream and a bandage. If you like to exercise, you should be able to continue doing that within the next few days, although that may be longer if the area required stitches. And as mentioned before, there may be a scar in the area, although most people who have had mole removal feel that the tiny scar is preferable to the actual mole.
Mole removal surgery isn’t for everyone, although if you are especially self conscious or the mole needs to be removed for medical reason, it’s something that should be explored.