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What You Should Expect During Annual Physicals

Annual physicals are routine exams that help your doctor assess your overall health. The exams allow your doctor to evaluate your current health state and risk of developing health conditions. Doctors recommend people get annual physicals yearly. If you are at risk of developing chronic diseases, your doctor may suggest you get routine exams frequently. Lansdowne annual physicals help strengthen your relationship with your primary care provider and detect conditions in the early stages for effective treatment. If you are at risk of certain diseases, your primary care doctor educates you on how to avoid the infections. Annual physical involves various procedures, which include:

Checking vital signs

Vital signs include your doctor checking your blood pressure, heart rate, temperature, and respiratory rate. Depending on your history, you should take a blood pressure test at least once every year or every three years. Your doctor may also measure your height and weight. A sudden weight loss may indicate a health condition.

Visual and physical exams

Your doctor may do a visual or physical exam if you have signs of potential conditions. The doctor checks your body parts that could indicate existing health problems, such as your head, eyes, and chest. Observing your skin, hair, and nails can also help tell signs of certain health conditions. Your doctor may palpate your body parts, like the abdomen, to feel if you have any abnormalities.

Laboratory tests

Your annual physical may include several laboratory tests like a complete blood count and a complete metabolic panel. Panel tests involve your blood plasma to check kidney, liver, and immune system problems. Your doctor may recommend a cholesterol test if you have an increased risk of heart attack, heart disease, or stroke.


You might have many screenings during annual physicals based on gender. These screen tests include:

Annual screening in Women


Doctors recommend women get a mammogram every two years between fifty and seventy-four years. If you have a personal or family history of breast cancer, earlier and more frequent tests should be done.

Breast exam

Breast exam checks for breast cancer. Your doctor observes and palpates your breast to check for abnormal lumps that may indicate breast cancer.

Pap smear

Pap smear screens for cervical cancer. Women should get Pap tests from the age of twenty-one. After that, you may have the test every three years if you have a healthy immune system. After thirty, you can get a Pap smear every five years until the age of sixty-five.

Pelvic exam

A pelvic exam involves your doctor examining your vagina, cervix, and vulva to check for signs of sexually transmitted infections and other reproductive issues.

Annual screens in men

Prostate cancer screening

Prostate cancer screening often starts after a man attains fifty years. Your doctor may recommend the screening earlier if you have a family history of prostate cancer.

Testicular exam

A testicular exam involves your doctor checking each testicle for signs of conditions, including lumps, size change, and tenderness.

Annual physicals are routine exams that help your doctor assess your overall health. They involve your doctor checking your vital signs, visual exams, laboratory tests, and screening. Schedule an appointment at CN Internal Medicine for an annual physical to evaluate your overall health.