ORIF (open reduction internal fixation) is not suitable for everyone. If you have a significant fracture that cannot be treated with a cast or splint, or if you have already undergone a closed reduction, but the bone did not mend properly, you may be a candidate for ORIF. Also, if you have a small fracture, you may not require Chula Vista open reduction internal fixation. Your doctor may be able to repair the break using closed reduction, as well as a cast or splint.
Understanding open reduction internal fixation therapy
Open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) is a surgical procedure to repair badly shattered bones. It is used exclusively for severe fractures that cannot be treated with a cast or splint. These are often fractures that are misplaced, unstable, or affect the joint. The term “open reduction” refers to when a surgeon makes an incision to realign the bone. “Internal fixation” refers to using hardware such as metal pins, plates, rods, or screws to hold the bones together. This hardware is not removed until the bone has healed. ORIF is a type of emergency surgery. Your doctor may recommend ORIF if your bone fractures in many places, slide out of position, or sticks out through the skin. ORIF may also be beneficial if the bone was previously realigned without an incision — a closed reduction procedure — but did not heal adequately.
How to prepare for your ORIF surgery
ORIF surgery is typically performed as an emergency or urgent operation. Because of the haste, there is usually little to no preparation before surgery, which may occur upon admission to a hospital. A surgeon sometimes advises waiting until the swelling has gone down before operating. Before the treatment, a healthcare practitioner takes an X-ray of the region to ensure that the bones are correctly visible. It also enables them to examine the breakage to plan for surgery. A doctor will examine you and go through the details of the procedure. They will also go through any potential dangers of the treatment and address any queries you may have.
The outlook after ORIF therapy
Patients who have had ORIF surgery have an excellent prognosis. It is a frequently required surgery for badly fractured bones and can help you regain proper use of your leg. According to research, problems after ORIF surgery are not rare. However, when doctors recognize and treat problems as soon as they arise, the outcome is often positive. Furthermore, you shouldn’t hesitate to consult a specialist if you suspect an issue following ORIF surgery.
If you have a severe fracture, your physician may advise you to undergo open reduction internal fixation (ORIF) surgery. An orthopedic surgeon removes the skin, repositions the bone, and secures it with metal hardware such as plates or screws. ORIF is not intended to treat small fractures that may be treated with a cast or splint. ORIF healing might take anywhere from 3 to 12 months. You’ll require physical or occupational therapy, pain medicine, and plenty of rest. You should contact your doctor if you suffer bleeding, increased discomfort, or any new symptoms while recovering. Call Ortho 1 Medical Group to schedule your consultation today to determine whether ORIF treatments are right for you.